Category: Weight loss

Burning fats and losing weight is a tough task. You need to impose a strong will to succeed especially if you have double-digit pounds to shed off. If you are not motivated enough, you probably going to give up easily.

Weight loss principles only consist of two important things – physical activities and a healthy diet. Support that with motivation, confidence, discipline, and consistency, then you have a perfect recipe for fitness. But again, more and more people are striving to have a fitter body but to no avail because they simply lack these important factors to achieve success.

Giving time and dedication will definitely produce great results. If you want to live healthily and avoid different health complications of obesity, then you have to act now and plan your own weight loss program. Once you found the secret formula for weight loss, you can actually lose weight anytime and anywhere, even while you sleep!

Sounds interesting? Yes, you can burn more fat even while you are sleeping! I will discuss this topic in detail so you can take advantage of your body’s natural processes and stay fit even if you are sleeping. But there is one thing that you need to achieve first before you can actually lose weight anytime you wish it.

Increase your Metabolism

Speeding up your metabolism with the help of homemade appetite suppressant drinks is the key to effective weight loss. You need to understand your body’s Basal Metabolic Rate (metabolism) to understand how many calories you burn each day. From that point, you can increase your physical activities that will surely help increase your metabolism.

Once you are able to speed up your metabolism, your body will be able to burn fat all the time (which includes sleeping), even if you are not exercising. To be able to achieve this benefit, you must be able to do the following tips.

Apply the right diet

As I have said earlier, you need to have a diet program which is a very important requirement in weight loss. But, you need to practice the right diet that can help increase your metabolism. Practicing any fad diet without proper research could mean disaster or even worse – health complications. To start a proper dieting program that helps charge your metabolism, consider the following tips.

Eat breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it initiates your body’s metabolism. Never think that you’ll lose more weight skipping breakfast because it will just trigger more hunger feelings and food cravings. Experts always suggest this simple quote for proper dieting – “eat right, not less“.

Choose lean protein

Lean protein such as egg whites and skinless chicken are proven effective to boost metabolism. Experts suggest that a 30% daily diet of lean protein can help increase metabolism which helps burn calories even while you sleep.

Choose healthy spices

Spicy herbs such as red chili pepper, black pepper, and ginger don’t only produce antioxidants for your body, it also helps increase your metabolism and a known natural fat burner. To learn more about the benefits of red pepper for weight loss, read my Capsiplex review.

Eat complex carbohydrates

Eating complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat bread and oatmeal are harder to digest instead of white bread and other sugary cereals. This results in a sudden increase in your body’s metabolism which helps produce weight loss.

Eat more B vitamin-rich foods

Foods high in B vitamins are essential to produce body energy which kick-starts its different processes, including your metabolism. The more energy you get, the more your body will burn calories and fats. Some of the B vitamin-rich foods are fish, liver, spinach, poultry, and beans.

Apply for the right workout program

Again, any physical activities are essential to your weight loss success. Did you know that sitting for a longer period of time (doing nothing) already burns up to 70% of your body’s calories? This means that if you do any exercises, you can double that burning percentage that can totally eliminate those excess fats. Consider the following workouts that help increase metabolism.

Weight training

Any form of weight training is a surefire metabolism charger. Building muscles help increase your resting metabolic rate which helps burn more calories even when you stopped working out.

Cardio exercises

Cardio activities are proven effective in increasing your metabolism. You can do aerobics, biking, jogging, treadmill exercises, and many others.

Other physical activities

Alternatives to physical activities can also help boost your metabolism. This includes dancing, washing your car, cleaning your room, playing sports and even fidgeting can all help you lose weight while having fun.

All these tips can help you lose weight anytime even if you are not working out, just like sleeping at night. It is very important to prioritize these strategies which can all help your weight loss endeavors. For added tips, consider the following tricks.

Ways to Burn Fat While Sleeping

Do you really want to achieve weight loss while you sleep? Okay, the information below will give you fresh ideas on how you can effectively support your weight loss program through different activities that you never thought will help you lose weight.

Take a cold shower

According to some research, occasionally taking a cold shower help speeds up metabolism because it improves blood circulation. So the next time you enter your bathroom, remember to choose cold water for extra weight loss benefits.

Go to sleep early and rise early

It is proven beneficial to health if you can manage to sleep early and rise early the next day. Enough sleep can help refresh your body, reduce body toxins, and will give you enough energy for the coming day ahead.

Try to sleep in pitch black

Yeah I know, sleeping in a pitch-black room is a scary situation but if your motive is to reduce weight, then you have to practice this law. Studies suggest that sleeping in total darkness relieves stress, calms the mind, and promotes a good night’s sleep.

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks at night

This is a very simple piece of advice that most of you are already aware of. Caffeinated drinks will keep your eyes open at night while alcohol drinks will help add calories instead of reducing them.

Avoid night distractions

Night distractions won’t help your sleeping patterns to run smoothly such as listening to your iPod, playing with your gadgets, and many others.

All these tips can help increase the metabolism that will enable you to easily lose weight. Remember that you can achieve weight loss while sleeping if you have a very slow metabolic rate. Working out, a balanced diet and the rest of the tips here are all essential for your weight loss program. Make sure that you practice all of these tricks on a consistent basis and you will surely achieve success.