Today is a new day in the world of Bitcoin. Isn’t every day? In order to drive commerce, international relations, economic development, trust, new business growth, and a competing currency, that of Bitcoin, I have decided to form the first ever cooperative for buyers and sellers. This will be known as the Bitcoin Macroeconomics Buyers & Sellers Cooperative. The best part about it until it takes hold, the first year it is completely free to members. The best part about it for those that sign up in the first year, it will remain free for life.
So let’s start the clock now! This will be a part of the Bitcoin Macroeconomics Worldwide Economic Experience!
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I have put together Buyers Cooperatives before. I also have been involved firsthand and managed and approved Cooperative Advertising Programs. My intention is establish a cooperative for both buyers and sellers to pool their true purchasing power and clout as producers or sellers. With Bitcoin and ease of transaction, my goal is to help drive commerce to the Bitcoin Macroeconomics Buyers & Sellers Co-Op, and thus the members, respective of their category or commodity or business and or service. My focus will be on the first year of membership, the free part. There is no obligation. The only thing I ask for is the following:
Name of Business, Contact information (address, city, state, and country of origin and zip code), telephone, email, and website, and description of business or operations.
I also need to know if you are a Buyer or a Seller.
I know from experience that the most important thing to make this successful is to gain trust. Without it, there will be no deals. With trust and with Bitcoin as the common denominator, the economies of scale can be turned. This will take time. I also know that just because a product offering is put forth in a Buyers Cooperative, that nobody will buy the item if it isn’t needed or there is no incentive to buy, meaning it’s not a very good deal! But a deal is a deal, and that is what is at stake. Bitcoin Macroeconomics accepts no liability or responsibility for transactions and that must be disclaimed as your business is your business. This is just an opportunity for cooperative purchasing and bringing products and services to market, worldwide. This might even create real jobs, localized economic development, and turn a few heads in the process.
The possibilities are endless. There are farmers in communities around the world that bring organic fruits and vegetables to market and based on commodity pricing, we may be able to find a market and buyers. Likewise, a manufacturer of goods may find find new buyers. We are talking the ease of Bitcoin here and lower transaction fees versus traditional currency adjustment factors on a worldwide level, banking fees, or credit card transaction fees. Bitcoin can and will be the determining factor in competition and working together cooperatively, we can open up new markets and change the economies of scale and drive new business to those that support Bitcoin.
Membership after the first year will not be free. Costs to run the program will be involved and fees will be needed to assist the cooperative, but that is in a year. But rest assured there is no catch for the first year or for first time members that will enjoy free membership for life.
Imagine cooperative buying, instead of one person buying one thing in the traditional on line store. imagine driving package deals for groups or members for vacation rentals or ecotourism. Imagine selling palletized amounts versus packaged goods. OK now imagine a 40′ container! Imagine competing with the big guys. Now imagine as buyers the ability to seek better deals based on bulk purchasing, and in a competitive setting a better deal or even buying in Bitcoin to save that needed 1% or more in order to compete and lower costs of manufacturing or with the guy down the street that doesn’t accept Bitcoin.
Members will be responsible for their own logistics, but perhaps the Bitcoin Macroeconomics Buyers & Sellers Cooperative can attract group pricing that is based on the collective and not on the individual seller? This is what can flourish while this is what is at stake. Logistics and trade will have to take care of itself, as reputations are at stake. But working with the right international freight forwarders or air freight companies, for example, may allow split shipping or drop shipping to work in coordination with the bulk buy or sell programs you are in charge of and responsible for. In short, there is power in numbers, worldwide. Again, the common theme is those that accept or pay in Bitcoin.
I think it is fair to add that those that are disingenuous in bypassing Bitcoin would deserve to get the boot from the Co-Op and I will reserve that right. This is a loosely organized Co-Op but let’s not fool anybody here, but the benefits should not be allowed for those that are not accepting Bitcoin. But people are going to do what people are going to do. Free Markets have a way of working themselves out that way!
I am not asking for anything in the first year or thereafter for first time members in that first year. Again, ZERO OBLIGATION. My goal is to drive economic development. That is all. I want to do what I can do. If you like the work being done or if it opens up new markets or customers for you, remember me. There is a donation button up top!
I look forward to working with you by establishing the first of its kind, the first ever Bitcoin Buyers & Sellers Cooperative.