When it comes to oils, this is one of the healthiest oils you can find and if you have a copy of my Real Food for Real Fat Loss Plan – you will notice that I talk about coconut oil quite a lot.
Without getting too technical, coconut oil contains two types of fatty acids known as lauric fatty acid and caprylic fatty acid. Don’t let fatty acid scare you, it’s actually a good thing. These fatty acids are known for their antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Woahhh! Slow down, Trudy. What the H@#L are you talking about?
Antimicrobial (in accordance with Wikipedia) is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and protozoans…kind of like a disinfectant for the body. Antiviral is more like an antibiotic type of thing, used to treat viral infections.
Keep in mind, coconut oil promotes healthy HDL (the good cholesterol) in your body. There is serious talk of coconut oil being promoted as a fat loss product as it is considered a healthy oil. And research is currently being done to determine the exact effects.
Contrary to popular belief …you can cook with coconut oil, whilst previous articles I have read state that it is unstable. I found out that it has a smoke point of 350-450 degrees F – which is plenty hot enough!! Basically, I have been using it anyway in stir fry’s and just general use. I prefer Nature’s Way Coconut Oil as it’s easy to scoop out and doesn’t get too hard in your cupboard or have a weird aftertaste like other brands have had.
Whilst we are on the subject of coconut products – I often mention coconut water to my clients as an excellent rehydration drink, it’s even included in the real food for real fat loss plan. Coconut water has more potassium in it than a banana and more than 10 times the amount of potassium than any of the leading sports drinks (as well as a bucket load less sugar and chemicals). Coconut water also contains 4 other essential electrolytes: sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous.
Potassium – it helps regulate blood pressure, heart function and enhances the hydration process. Sodium plays a big role in fluid maintenance, heart performance and glucose absorption as well as muscle contraction.
Magnesium – it keeps heart healthy and bones strong, helps regulates blood sugar level and helps us deal with stress – an increasing issue in this modern society struck with a world economic crisis.
Calcium – also needed for strong bones and dental care. Calcium has reportedly been linked to weight loss, lowering of blood pressure and assists with PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
Phosphorous – once again essential for bone and protein formation as well as hormone balance. It also has digestive benefits and assists with energy release.
Now I have tried many different brands that are on the market and have narrowed it down to three for very different reasons. The one that I used to drink most is O.N.E. Coconut Water. It’s not too sweet and has some flavor to it. Unlike others, which can be a bit watery. The problem with ONE is that it is often in short supply because it is so popular. So whilst this one (pardon the pun) was in short supply, I managed to try out others.
My new favorite is C2o Coconut Water – Unsweetened. It comes in a huge can and is a little sweeter than the O.N.E.
Vita Coco is another one that’s not too bad and is definitely easier to get your hands on. The thing I like about Vita Coco is that they also have other flavors whisked in with it – so if you get bored of the regular coconut you can go for the flavored version like pomegranate and tangerine. I find it a little watery but everyone has different tastes so try them out and find one which caters to your individual taste buds.
Check these testosterone boosters that are produced for men. Some are even made from natural ingredients as well for those who are against synthetic synthesis. They help to lose weight and tone muscles. Healthy testosterone levels are essential to effective body building. So look for the one that is best suited for you, you won’t be disappointed with the results.