Month: October 2020

This is the most important thing both for your puppy as well as for you .Its important to your puppy because it prevents your puppy from needless troubles. Things such as puppy coming in contact to toxic materials by teething the container, which is dangerous, can be prevented. Making your home safe for your puppy is good for you because you can avoid expensive things being destroyed by your DOGS’S curiosity.

The rule “prevention is better that cure “applies here. Teach by prevention. For example don’t place trash cans open and closing it with tight fitting lids and putting them away where your puppy can’t reach it. Remember to treat your puppy as how you would treat your own baby and be thankful that your puppy will learn acceptable behaviors in a matter of months, or almost as quickly as you can teach it.

Begin with simple and obvious precautions .Put all those medicines, deodorants, chemicals, nail polishers and other harmful products out of reach .If there are any products with a poison warning on it, be sure everyone in the family knows it and put those products in a shelf where your dog can’t reach it .The products which we consider as every day hygiene products like toothpaste, mouth wash, soaps are detrimental for your dog. So put them away in a secured shelf and be sure to discard the empty containers where your dog can’t get at them.

Here are a few checklists for making your home safe for your puppy


  • Put all knives and all other utensils away in drawers.
  • Get a trash can with tight lid.
  • Put all household cleaners in the cupboard the closes securely.


  • Put all the jewellery, nail polish, and nail polish removers, hairpins in a secure box.
  • Pick up all socks, shoes and other chewable things.
  • Securely put away all potentially dangerous items like medicines, vitamins, perfumes and other cosmetics.


  • Keep all household cleaners like phenyls, shampoos, soaps, perfumes and other personal care products in cupboards that close securely.
  • Consider using childproof cabinets.
  • Don’t use toilet bowl cleaners that releases chemicals each time you flush.
  • Keep the toilet bowl lid down.
  • Throw away naphthalene balls and any other solid air fresheners.


  • Put all the dangerous substance on high shelves.
  • Clean up any spills.
  • Store all gardening supplies out of reach for the dog.
  • Sweep the floors for nails and other small iron pieces.


  • Tape up or cover all electrical wires.
  • Knot or tie up any loose cords from curtains, blinds and the telephone.
  • Put all houseplants out of reach.
  • Move saucers or your favorite chinawares to high places.

Pick all the chewable items including television wires, remote controllers, shoes, socks, mobile phones, slippers food dishes, books, magazines and anything else that can be chewed on.

Be safe and make your home safe for your pooch. Good luck.